Daily moisturizing is vital for healthy skin, yet some think of it as an aesthetically-inclined habit. Our skin is the body’s largest organ and requires regular attention to stay young, blemish-free and healthy.
When to Moisturize
The most important times to use moisturizer are after a bath, shave or exfoliation. For some, this might be twice a day. Moisturizing after a shower is very important because hot water strips all the moisture and oils out of your skin, leaving it parched and dry. While hot water may be relaxing, it also wreaks havoc on your skin. Never skip the moisturizer.
Moisturizing Helps Skin Stay Young
The skin on your face, ears, neck and chest are very sensitive to environmental changes and are the most frequent areas of the body known to develop skin cancer. These areas of skin also shed cells more rapidly than other parts of the body and therefore need moisture to repair itself, which allows for younger skin cells to rise to the surface. Also, the massaging affect that is used when applying lotion helps stimulate blood circulation and new cell generation.
The Importance of Moisturizing
Now that we’ve covered why moisturizing is important for healthy skin, these quick tips will help retain your natural glow:
Watch the temperature of water – Hot showers and baths are not good for your skin. Shower for a shorter amount of time and with warm water. You’ll see the difference in your skin.
Don’t rub dry – After a shower gently pat your skin dry instead of rubbing your skin dry. By patting dry your skin will retain more moisture you are going to seal in when you moisturize.
Drink more water – the moisture your skin receives also comes from your body. Drink at least 8 cups of water every day!
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